Today I'm feeling like total shit... after a 14 hour sleep, I'm still tired. Hence laying around in my PJs with mindless TV on and a warm laptop on my stomach. I was drawing a blank on what to post until I read Twenty York Street's post on "Sept Confessions". Surely I can come up with seven of my own in between naps and making more tea.
1. This morning my feelings were hurt by my sister's text message: "Why do you never smile in your blog pics?". Then a good friend, Krista concurred saying that I should smile more. The lack of smiling is probably partly due to my camera shyness. I never take good pictures, it takes many trials before I find some decent ones that I'm comfortable posting.

Keeping my fingers crossed!!
3. My clothes are spread out between three places: bedroom closet, one large dresser and the closet in the yellow room. Each place isn't "full" but there's room to fill it up. That extra room will be reason to justify any future shopping.
4. There's two tattoos that I really want to get but my indecisiveness on the details is holding me back...i) a dove with a lotus flower in my inner right lower calf to remind me of hope and ii) add onto my existing lower back tattoo of a dragon fly, I feel it's super small and want something more elaborate but what?!
5. Watching the music video of Rihanna and envious of her red voluminous locks... I wish that I was able to dye my hair that red or some other outrageous colour like bubble-gum pink. But I work in a very conservative/traditional organization which unnatural hair colour would cause problems. It's hard enough to be considered credible when you are about 20 years younger than most of the people you work with, try doing it with beautiful blue hair. Urg.
6. Children scare me and babies are terrifying! I'm not ready to have brats anytime soon. Being an Aunt is fun and fine by me.
7. I love Canada but my dislike for our winters is stronger... If I was ever offered a job somewhere tropical and hot. Chris and I would be packing our bags so fast that we'd be ready to go as quickly as the plane tickets booked.
i LOVE this confessions idea! Very cool.
I don't smile in my pics often either.. just not a fan of the way it looks, so I feel you! And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Parrots are SO amazing!
Winter sucks. Yay birdies! Hows hercules going to take that?
Thanks for the commment- I'm now following! I probably sleep 12 hours + a night and I'm perpetually exhausted! I think it's oversleeping! Hahahaha dn I agree- babies look like aliens! You are so pretty- I wish I could NOT smile in pictures without looking like a total snob! xo
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Um. Ditto on number 7. Winter is nice in pictures. Or, OH, if you live in Hawaii? And then once a year go to Aspen? And wear cheesy ski sweaters while sipping hot chocolate? And Jim Carey is there telling jokes? Like in my "Dumb and Dumber" fantasy life?... ya. Winter sucks.
wow, great confessions! i hope the African Grey parrot works out. it looks so lovely in the picture with the red stripe in its tail!
and i'm horrible at winter weather. anything below 60 degrees and i'm bundled up like a snowman. canada is beautiful though with all the snow.
thank you so much for the follow on my blog and keep up the beautiful blogging!
lol I would like to get a tattoo as well but I'm very indecisive. and yeah babies... mmm I like well behaved kids that doesn't scream and cry in public places :)
I love these confessions and I am with you about our winter babe. So here's the deal, when you get a job offer from somewhere tropical, please let them know that you come in a fabulous package deal, and then you call me, I'll pack my bags!
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