Thursday, July 12, 2012

Girl or Boy?!

I just wanted to share some exciting news with everyone.

Chris and I will be having a baby :)  
If you look closely at the chest you can actually see the heart beating.

Sometimes you just have a feeling that there's changes going on in your body... And I'm thankful that I found out I was pregnant early on.  However, keeping it a secret was hard.  I wanted to tell everyone as soon as I found out.  But you always hear warnings from people about the risk of miscarriage and I was scared that it would happen to me.  Now at 12 weeks, which is apparently the "safe zone", I'm telling everyone I can that I'm happy to be expecting a wonderful little baby.  

The first trimester has been going well but can get hard at times... which apparently is normal.  From morning sickness to extreme fatigue resulting in an early bed time, my body has also gone through some other changes too.  I'm no longer able to fit in my favourite tight skinny jeans and a few other items.  It's a little upsetting when people pipe in about not showing till their fourth or fifth month.... or when the books recommend only gaining 20 pounds.  I tell myself that I'm being healthy and eating well... so the weight gain is what is needed for the baby.  While practicing the act of ignorong the people who think they are being helpful but are actually hurtful.  


Shybiker said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

How exciting! You guys must be thrilled. I hope you keep us posted on your progress. There are lots of changes in store for you.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ash, I haven't been here in a while but saw the photo on FB and wanted to come here and congratulate you! This is so wonderful, you and Chris must be so very excited!!! What a beautiful addition to your family, things are really working out for you! :)

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